I know, I know – this is a most unnecessary addition to a one-box city car with bench seating and an automatic transmission. But I like it a lot 😳
I blame Croooober. Their vast array of enticing JDM-tastic goodies, combined with a shipping calculator right there alongside each listing, makes browsing for anything there a dangerous business. Go to check the price of an OEM part you might actually need in the future and a few minutes later you’ll be cooing over something utterly superfluous but brilliant nonetheless. That’s how things worked out for me anyway – I went to check that spare tail lights (and their looms) were readily available in preparation for my rear fog light mod and ended up impulse buying a GReddy front tower strut brace!

At the time I pretended it might help with the scuttle shake that comes from low profile tyres and relatively stiff suspension but in reality I just thought it would look really cool on the car. Fitting it was straightforward despite the top of the towers being tucked under the windscreen and knowing it’s there makes me grin childishly. Simple things for simple people…