The Carry may have dominated Cannock Chase in its 4×4 in the Forest foray but I did manage to catch the rear crossmember on a hidden tree stump – the only real scrape of the entire day! Overnight parts from Japan time…
Being a utilitarian vehicle it was no surprise to find that both crossmembers are bolt-on parts, the rear being particularly easy to replace with only 4 bolts holding it to the chassis. As well as a new crossmember I also decided to renew the gearbox and transfer case mounts that are bolted to it, the former having been considerably stretched by the tree-stump-induced twist.
Despite the slightly mangled appearance shown above the crossmember was still holding everything in place and the failure had occurred such that the original chassis fixings hadn’t been damaged either. After giving the new crossmember a finishing coat of white paint and a good slather of underseal it bolted straight up (OEM FTW) and the Carry was fighting fit once again.