In the end I couldn’t resist purchasing a pair of the smallest warm white LED panels I could find on eBay and squeezing them into the cabin festoon housing. It took a little bit of hacking, some soldering, and even a helping hand from a 3D printer, but I got there in the end…
Unhappy with the original LED festoon replacement I ordered a pair of warm white 20x30mm 12x3528SMD panels from a Chinese seller on eBay and, while they made their way over to the UK, designed and 3D-printed a couple of adhesive-friendly angled surfaces which could be held in place using the housing’s own mounting screws.
Download the SketchUp & STL File [zip]
The need to run both panels from one festoon adapter and, more crucially, the limited space in the festoon housing dictated the final setup. All wiring was removed from the festoon adapter before the panel wiring was trimmed back as much as possible and then soldered directly to the adapter – including a trial fit to make sure that the polarity for both panels was correct!
The difference from the original festoon is huge and as an LED upgrade it’s much more successful than the rather compromised festoon setup.